Tuesday, 21 October 2014

The Story of The Brighton Charity Ball in loving memory of Lola Rice www.giftsforangels.co.uk

The Brighton Charity Ball was an absolute roaring success. I am so proud to have been part of this amazing evening and I am so grateful to my fabulous friends Josie and Andy Kelly from
'Funky Lush Events and weddings' for helping me organize the whole thing. Without their professionalism and attention to detail along with many a spread sheet, it really would have been much more of a struggle, instead from the moment we sat down to organize it to the evening itself was just Fun and laughter!
My wonderful friends EJ and Christophe, directors of Profile Model Management Ltd sponsored the evening along with my Brother in law director of McCroreys Removals, I am so grateful to them.

The evening started with guests arriving along our own private corridor accompanied by Show Girls and being photographers as they walked towards the drinks reception.
"We felt like super stars by the time we got our first drink!", was a comment from one of our guests. The Great Gatsby sound tracked played as local magician 'Tony Charles' wowed people with his truly amazing skills. A Phot Booth which was generously donated to us for the evening by 'Photo chambers' donated every £1 spent on personalised photographers to our total  and as you can imagine went down a treat with our guests, the photos just got funnier as the evening went on!

Guest were called to be seated for dinner just before 8pm and this was the bit I was waiting for, our guests faces as they walked into our Ornate Ball room, with tables dressed to perfection with Black Ostrich feathers pouring out over a tall lit glass vase. Black and gold name cards circled every table,
and on each guest's chair was their very own goody bag, which contained bespoke Cream, Sented Candles, Magazines, Toni & Guy Products, Dermalogica products, a token Brighton Rock and much, much more. 
The slightly terrifying bit was next, My Speech... After a quick glass of Red I was on a roll (sorry everyone!) 
After dinner we were entertained by Singer, Matthew Vankan who sung a variety of popular swing songs. This gave some ladies and gentleman a chance to dance together which was lovely. We then had a Soul Funk band from Brighton know as 'Brighton Soul Revue' They were fantastic and managed to get everyone up and on the Dance floor. Just before 11pm we announced the raffle, our prizes were all donated and they were pretty spectacular - they included A Ski Holiday for 2 with choice of resorts, a Mulberry Handbag worth £1200. , XBox 360 + games , £200 M&S vouchers and so much more... People were so generous. Then DJ - Marc James played us long into the night, while our silent Auction continued this included a 'Preen' Dress worth £1400. Thank you to Preen who are designers to the Stars! Original prints of Cindy Crawford, Kate Moss and Cara Delvigne all courtesy of Centrefold magazine... Thank you so much Mr Andrew Hobbs.
The dancing continued into the wee small hours of the evening, and the photo booth pictures just got funnier!
We had a representative there from 'Brain Tumour Research' , who spent a short period of time letting our Guests know exactly where their money was gong to go... And I am very pleased to announce that so far the eveing has raised a massive 
We still have a just giving page, so please even is its £1. Please donate to Brain Tumour Research, I feel very strongly that Research is the only way to stop this dreadful disease.

To everyone that came to The Brighton Charity Ball 2014 - thank you all so much, the last time so many of my friends were together as a group was at Lola's funeral, so it means the world to me that you all came. To all that couldn't make it, thank you for all your donations and don't worry, we will be doing it again... Currently looking for sponsors please....


My Very Big Thanks to:

Brighton Soul Revue  http://www.facebook.com/brightonsoulrevue

Ramin from la Cucina Pizzeria - Brighton  www.lacucinabrighton.co.uk  phone 0333 253 7866

Show Girls from     http://wwwmanicsp.co.uk

DJ    http://marcjames.net

Centre Pieces from www.dazzlingdecor.co.uk    Phone: 01273 612111

Blue dawg Photography

