Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Lola's story, 1 www.giftsforangels.co.uk

Lola was born on 14th July 2003, she was  healthy and well and as she was delivered by Cesarean section, was held up to me briefly before being handed over to her very nervous but totally in ore Daddy. It was a hard transition for me at first but John was such a natural and she loved by everyone. My best friend had her son, Harry a month before and also Keira  , Lola's cousin was born the same year. Life was good, yes like most young couples starting out money was tight but we managed to buy our first house with help from my parents and we soon decided to have another baby.... well John decided I was not at all sure after all Lola was just 1year old. Anyway we went for it and our 2nd daughter Ava was born in April 2005, Lola was just 21mths and loved her little sister totally. There was no jealousy, or tantrums she was such a lovely natured little girls that she was just happy. Lola was very advanced in all that she did strangely, she would recite and remember nursery rhymes easily and was so advanced in her speech even the Health Visitors were impressed.She had a high forhead and my Dad used to say..... "She's got a good brain in there"......

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